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Independent Living

Transitional and Supported

What is Transitional Supported Independent Living? 
Transitional Supported Independent Living (TSIL) is an integrated system of living arrangements and professional services that provides youth ages 16 - 18 a safe place to live, 24-hour access to supportive adults and connections to community resources. A staff member will reside on the top floor. The homes have  security systems installed.


Youth have structured day and evening programming: school during the weekdays, volunteering and visits during the weekends. Weekday evenings may consist of the following: cooking lesson, Life Skill modules (money management, food safety, health - there are three comprehensive booklets to complete), Cultural Resource Worker outing, social outing with Support Worker, laundry (personal and bedding), menu preparation and grocery shopping and thorough cleaning of the unit.


What is Supported Independent Living?

This program is similar to the above, offered to individuals from the ages of 18 to 22. However, the supports are not as intensive and the individual has the option of finding a job or continuing on with his/her education. Staff will not live in the same unit. Please allow two weeks to establish a SIL placement.


To learn more about this program please visit click on the link below.

Supported Independent Living: Youth Programs
Supported Independent Living: Pro Gallery
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